What Is Social Media Marketing? The Most Detailed Guide

Social Media Marketing

How to create social media marketing and strategies? We explain social media marketing with the most effective methods and all the details that need to be known. Just follow the steps below for ways that will highlight your brand, enable you to reach new audiences and increase your conversions.

What is Social Media Marketing?

What is social marketing? We can explain it like this; Every day, thousands of users pass the time on social media platforms and are exposed to hundreds of stimuli as long as they stay on the network. Brands use social media platforms to increase their conversions by doing some work to attract users' attention. The work done by brands on social media platforms is called social marketing, and traditional marketing now appears like social media marketing. If you want your brand to reach more audiences and attract more attention, you can review our Social Media Agency page and contact us.

Social Media Marketing Definitions

Social media marketing methods are based on the interaction and conversion values ​​of the potential customer base. Brands plan their content according to their target audience and develop it to attract more attention. Among these studies, we come across some titles; content, graphics, resources, hashtags, shares, engagement and statistics. If you want to improve your marketing skills in social media environments, you should first learn these definitions. Let's look at the details of these definitions and how they can be improved:


A social media manager needs to improve the most in content marketing. The shares you will make for your brand should vary according to the platform, and the content should be produced according to the target audience of each forum. The structure of a post you share on Instagram, and the form of a post on LinkedIn should not be the same. Your dynamics and manner of addressing in different media should also change.


Graphic work is crucial for your followers. It would be best if you were careful to be creative and unique in your social media accounts. The design language is an essential step in attracting attention on social media, creating a brand perception and appearing strong. Do not forget this detail when preparing your advertising images or shares. These are the stages that require thought on designs and require professionalism.


When deciding from which source to walk, be sure to consider the features of the platforms and the way of sharing. Let's explain with an example, you have a long blog post about coffee, and you want to share. Let's say your chosen platforms are Instagram and Twitter. You can share your blog post as follows; You can share it by sending a tweet and sharing a mini-survey asking people's favorite drink, "Let's take coffee like this, two recipes you never knew are on the air" or by making a "tea or coffee" survey and linking to the sharing before you post it on Instagram. You will have used the resources and platforms most accurately and effectively. The key to good social media marketing is to generate traffic and engagement. If you had just posted the blog post as a link, you would not be able to interact and draw attention to your post.


We can see in the research results that users search with tags and love to add tags to their posts. You can turn this information into a practical move for your brand's social media marketing. By producing content for the markers that receive the most interaction or specifying a title for the content, you have; You can get people's attention and talk about your brand.


The shares you make on social media should follow the algorithm and your target audience. Set a routine and post regularly. Sometimes you may have content that people are not interested in; oversee them. Try to discover the differences between your most liked content and those that don't get any reaction. So you can improve and change your shares.


Engagement is the most valuable act of social media. All users and even brands care most about interaction values ​​in their posts. Although it is up to you to raise it, you will sometimes see that the algorithms also affect it. Take trial and error to determine the right time and the correct shipment. Don't forget to promote your posts as sponsored to increase engagement values. To get comments, likes and shares, you first need to reach your followers and your potential target audience. But you should know that this will not be possible without advertising. Do not forget that these free platforms are a business, and they are closely interested in your credit cards 🙂


The channel that you should follow closely and you should never take your eyes off; are statistics. You have to read and understand this data to see how effective your posts are, how well you move, and where you are weak. Do not stop observing; always follow competitor analysis and statistics to reach higher data.

Social Media Marketing Overview

In general, we can say that social media marketing is a highly competitive field. Too many brands are working on too many strategies, and the terms are uneven. Advertising budgets and target audiences determine the competitiveness of brands. It is possible to compete with low budgets with the proper steps. However, you should get professional support and work with a social media agency for this. Creating compelling content, making accurate analysis and, most importantly, reducing conversion costs are issues that only professionals can handle. The trial and error method can save you time in social media marketing. Your competitors may have snatched your potential customers while you try and find them. You can achieve this difficult challenge by taking the proper steps. Just contact us.

2022 Social Media Marketing Trends2022 Social Media Marketing Trends

2022 Social Media Marketing Trends

When we talk about social media marketing, we talk about change the most. Because these channel are developing and changing at an incredible speed. Even a social media feature that has just entered our lives can be accepted in a short time. Both applications and their users are pretty open to change. Moreover, this rapid renewal and growth effort has given us the following habit: we get bored quickly. Everything around us has now turned into a consumption object. We quickly consume dozens of video, visual and music shares, and we are constantly refreshing our page for more. Marketing trends often change to meet this demand. Let's take a look at the new marketing trends that have entered our lives in 2022;

Video Contents Rise

The most obvious change is the content. We watch more videos and push social media platforms to create new video features. As platforms develop new features for video content, interest in the video is increasing. Try to produce more video content.

Use Less Text

We can say that video content also shares less reading. But we are sure that there are no long posts and text posts in the 2022 trends. Write short texts on your posts, be clear and descriptive. Nobody wants to struggle to understand complex scripts anymore. We have come to the end of the era where a generation only shared text content.

Engaging Is More Important

Do surveys to your followers, and new followers are more interested in the shares they can interact with. Share posts where you ask for their opinions. They love to argue and communicate with other followers in the comments. For example, you can create interaction traffic by asking which concept they like more in your new season products. Brands have also embraced these posts because the opinions of their followers are significant for research.

The Messaging Trend Is Coming

Marketing research says that channels such as Messenger and WhatsApp will attract more attention and will even become the most valuable channel in the marketing world in the next few years. We can understand this by looking at how much we use the WhatsApp application, where we even do our job interviews. Although it has not yet made a significant difference in marketing efforts, it is clear that it will gain serious strength shortly. You'd better add messaging apps to your marketing strategies, tell us about it 🙂


Benefits of Social Media Marketing

There are many benefits to social media marketing. However, in our opinion, the most significant factor that makes it so important is that it is accessible. Almost all of the brands' target audiences use social media, and these apps are free. This accessibility is a perfect attraction for both brands and followers. It is straightforward to do studies that increase brand awareness. You can improve sales with an effective marketing method. It has benefits such as reaching new customers, having high-traffic websites and communicating faster. Although it is much more economical than traditional marketing methods, it allows you to create more new customers.

How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy?

Creating a strategy for social media marketing is the first rule. You need to set the right goals and do detailed research. Start by working with the target audience to create strategies that lead to success. Remember, being successful on social media is about understanding your target audience correctly. Set attainable goals for your brand. If you don't have a plan, you can't grow your brand. Spend some of your time on competitor analysis and study keywords regularly. Success in digital depends on your competitor analysis and keyword performance. Make sure your content is organized and effective. Build an auto-control mechanism; What you do better according to your goals is as important as what you do better than your competitors. Control yourself and your brand within your plans.

Social Media Metrics

Some metrics are critical in social media. We have listed the metrics that will increase your brand's marketing performance below;

Social Share of Voice – Hubspot

It would help if you researched what is being said about your brand. Use the "Social Share of Voice" metric; you can complete this research with Hubspot. If you know what they're talking about, you'll see what you need to improve or highlight.

Audience Growth Rate – Hootsuite

You can see the impact of your content by measuring your follower value and changes. This metric will help you calculate your follower change and growth.

Click-Through Rate (CTR) – Hootsuite

Getting clicks on your posts is pretty essential. You can see how many clicks you get from your posts with this metric. Do not forget to use the call to action buttons to increase click-through rates.

Followers, brand mentions and click-through rates are important metrics in social marketing. To learn the details and features of the tools, you can use for social media, "What are the Social Media Tools You Should Use in 2022?" Be sure to read our article. Universal solz is the best IT services  company

Start Marketing on Social Media

Start your social media marketing by making the necessary analysis right away. Decide on the platforms needed for your brand, develop content marketing and plan how to grow organically. You can increase your interaction data or improve your conversions by making the right shares at the right time. Contact us on our Social Media Agency page to get professional support and start growing your brand. Let's brand right now!



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