Pneumonia is one of the most prone to disease prevention. However, according to the World Health Organization, one child in the world dies every 20 seconds from this infection. The USA Best Doctors provide more facilities in medical field. Therefore, on the day of the fight against pneumonia, we remind you of the seriousness of this disease and offer simple steps that each of us can take to prevent the development of pneumonia in our child or ourselves.


Pneumonia is an acute infectious inflammation of the lungs, localized primarily in the air bubbles called alveoli. In a healthy person, the alveoli are filled with air and function generally during respiration. And in patients with pneumonia, mucus and fluid accumulate in the alveoli, which causes pain when breathing and limits the flow of oxygen. The causative agents of pneumonia are most often bacteria or viruses, which are usually transmitted by direct contact with infected people.

Today, pneumonia is considered the most common and severe infectious cause of high infant mortality worldwide. According to the WHO, pneumonia is the cause of death in about 16% of children under five worldwide.


 The most common causes of infectious pneumonia are bacteria, viruses, fungi, and some simple microorganisms.

 Thus, pneumococci (Streptococcus Pneumoniae) and Haemophilus Influenzae type B (Hib) are the most common causes of bacterial pneumonia in children, and the most common cause of viral pneumonia is respiratory syncytial virus infection (acute).

 Pneumonia caused by fungi such as Pneumocystis jiroveci (pneumocystosis) is not typical, but most cases of infection are recorded in immunocompromised patients with HIV / AIDS, especially in children. Thus, these microorganisms cause at least a quarter of deaths from pneumonia among HIV-infected children.

 There are different ways in which pneumonia can be spread. Viruses and bacteria, usually localized in a child's nose or throat, can enter the lungs by inhalation. In addition, these pathogens are spread by airborne droplets when coughing or sneezing.

 Infectious pneumonia can also be contracted through the blood, especially in infants during childbirth or immediately after birth.


Most of the symptoms of viral and bacterial forms of pneumonia are similar in general, but a patient with viral pneumonia may have a greater variety of symptoms.

 The most common symptoms of pneumonia are:

  • cough,
  • difficulty breathing,
  • high body temperature (39 °),
  • rapid breathing,

retraction of the chest, when inhaling air sinks the lower part of the chest (in a healthy person, the chest expands when inhaled),

wheezing during breathing (more often with viral infections).

 Absolutely all of these symptoms are not always present in pneumonia.

 Sometimes infants with pneumonia find it difficult to swallow or drink, they may have a low body temperature, seizures, and sometimes children may even faint.


The body's defenses often fight infection, and pneumonia does not develop. But this applies to healthy children. But children with specific disorders and weakened immune systems are at high risk of developing pneumonia and its complications. This is especially true for infants who do not receive breast milk, as the weakening of the child's immune system is often associated with insufficient or unbalanced nutrition.

 In addition, children infected with HIV or measles are at risk.

  • According to the WHO, the risk of a child developing pneumonia also increases under the influence of the following environmental factors:
  • indoor air pollution as a result of cooking and the use of biofuels for heating;
  • living in overcrowded houses;


Prevention of pneumonia in children is one of the main elements of the strategy to reduce infant mortality worldwide, according to the WHO. Scheduled vaccination is recognized as the most effective method of preventing pneumonia. In the USA, high-quality and effective vaccines against Hib infection (Haemophilus influenzae type B), measles (as part of the combined CPC vaccine against measles, mumps, rubella), and pertussis are purchased at the expense of the State budget.). Children will be vaccinated against these diseases free of charge. There are enough vaccines in all regions of the country. Information on vaccine residues in your area can be found here. The best doctors in USA provide the facilities in medical field.

Prevention of pneumonia in children and adults also involves strengthening the immune system. First and foremost, make sure your diet is balanced and adequate. This is especially important for newborns: breastfeeding for the first six months of life will strengthen the baby's immunity.

 Take care of cleanliness in the house, ventilate the room, quit smoking, or do not smoke in the room and when children are around.


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