Low back pain has become one of the fundamental health problems not only for the elderly but especially for young people under the age of 45. The USA Best Doctors provide the best treatment in the medical field. This has become one of the main reasons for the restriction of physical activity, and worldwide, the spread of the problem is gaining epidemic proportions.

Much has already been written about low back pain, its causes, and treatment methods, including on our website in the section "Neurology."

Today we want to talk about treating back pain and other neurological pathologies as PRP therapy or plasma therapy.

What is this method, such as PRP therapy or plasma therapy?

In which diseases is this method of treatment effects, and what results can be expected from treatment?

How is the procedure, and are there any contraindications to this method of treatment?

What is PRP therapy or plasma therapy?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a new therapeutic tool that has become widespread throughout the world in recent years, thanks to its successful therapeutic use in treating injuries in sports stars. You may have heard of famous professional footballers, including Tiger Woods and Rafael Nadal, who attribute the use of a mysterious treatment called PRP therapy to their "miraculous" recovery from injury. PRP therapy or plasma therapy is an injection of the patient's plasma, enriched with platelets, to stimulate the body's regenerative capacity.

Our blood consists of 93% erythrocytes, 6% white blood cells, and 1% platelets and plasma. As you probably know, platelets circulate throughout the body and are needed for blood clotting to stop bleeding in time. However, human platelets are more critical in tissue regeneration because they are vital in tissue healing.

Platelets are extremely rich in growth factors, so-called platelet factors. The body's first reaction to tissue damage is to deliver platelets to the injured site, which, upon arrival at the destination, "initiate repair" by involving stem cells in the injury, which in turn triggers the process of cell regeneration.

Injection of platelet-derived growth factors into damaged ligaments, tendons, and joints stimulates the natural recovery process.

The purpose of PRP therapy is to maximize the number of platelets in the solution to be injected into the damaged area by separating them from the erythrocytes. Thus, PRP creates, stimulates, and accelerates the natural healing process of the body.

PRP therapy for the treatment of the spine, joints in Kyiv, orthopedics, and traumatology Midland

Plasma therapy in the treatment of diseases

The Plasmolifting procedure is not new. Platelet-rich plasma has been used successfully in dermatology, cosmetology, dentistry, and plastic surgery for decades.

PRP treatment in neurology, rheumatology, orthopedics, and sports medicine has recently begun but is already quite familiar.


Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is mainly used to treat soft tissue damage. These include chronic ligament injuries, tendon sprains, and others. In addition, plasma therapy, by stimulating cartilage healing and reducing pain, thereby restoring joint mobility, can effectively treat many cases of osteoarthritis. Orthopedist-traumatologist of MC "Midland" successfully use these properties of plasma with platelet factors.

Neurologists of our clinic also effectively use alto plasma therapy in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • pain in the lumbar spine;
  • osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • hernias, protrusions, and other conditions of the spine;
  • osteoarthritis, arthrosis;
  • muscle spasms.

PRP therapy, if performed correctly, can give the following results:

  • reduction of inflammatory and painful processes in the spine and joints;
  • elimination of muscle spasms;
  • improving joint mobility;
  • stimulating blood circulation in tissues affected by disease or injury;
  • improving the function of regeneration and nutrition of damaged tissues;
  • restoration of joint fluid.

The primary purposes of the injection are:

  • reduction of pain, compaction of the fibrous ring around the protrusion of the intervertebral disc;
  • accelerate the healing process and reduce the likelihood of injury with a more severe condition.

In some cases, platelet-rich plasma injections may help avoid the need for drugs that cause toxic effects on the patient or surgery.

With any treatment option, the lasting results largely depend on the degree of injury or disease. For example, in the case of mild arthritis, PRP can potentially prevent the development of further degeneration. The best doctors in USA provide more facilities in the medical field. However, if the patient has a degenerative cartilage lesion, the treatment goal will be to minimize pain and improve function.

Plasma injections PRP or injections of own plasma is Plasmolifting of joints, a backbone in Kyiv for pain treatment and improvement of function. Neurology and orthopedics Midland

How the PRP injection procedure works

  • The first step involves taking a patient's blood sample in a particular test tube, about 30 ml.
  • The second stage is the preparation of plasma. Plasma, rich in platelets, is separated from other blood components by centrifugation.
  • The third stage - alto plasma is injected into the damaged tendon, ligament, muscle, joint, or disc, which is the source of pain.
  • The plasma injection procedure is not painful; there may be slight discomfort during administration. Occasionally, minor bruising or bruising may appear at the PRP site.
  • After the injection, the patient can safely return to daily activities.
  • Plasma therapy involves a course of PRP injections - the number of injections varies depending on each patient's condition, and usually, the treatment method is from 2 to 6 procedures.
  • To get the best effect from PRP treatment, the attending physician can also make a rehabilitation program and exercise.

Before the plasma therapy procedure, it is necessary:

  • exclude alcohol consumption at least three days before manipulation;
  • a few hours before the procedure to give up fatty and spicy foods;
  • you cannot use anti-inflammatory drugs before and after the process.

Side effects and contraindications

Since the injections use the patient's blood, the procedure is safe and does not cause an allergic reaction. In addition, there are no side effects.

Contraindications to PRP injections, as in any manipulation, exist. It:

  • skin damage of infectious origin;
  • taking anticoagulants;
  • sepsis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • autoimmune diseases, mental illness.

The advantage of auto plasma therapy (PRP) is that, unlike other treatments, it has a stable result and is classified as a permanent correction. The time to get results depends on the area and degree of injury - on average, most patients begin to see signs of improvement in the form of reduced pain or improved function within four to six weeks.

If you are concerned about lumbar spine pain, hernias, osteoarthritis, and other diseases, find out about the possibility of using a method of treatment such as plasma therapy. PRP therapy or plasma therapy is a very effective method of treating many diseases, and in the hands of an experienced doctor can work wonders.



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